River Phoenix

River Phoenix - Kommentarer (0)
2011-03-09 @ 22:29:23
Antar att ni inte hört något om River här i bloggen på sistone, och nej, jag har inte slutat gilla honom. Är faktiskt lika nerkärad i honom som förut, om inte mer. Kan fortfarande inte förstå vilken underbar människa jag har stött på. Eller, stött på och stött på. Hört talas om, även om jag tror i mitt huvud att jag känt honom, hahah. Vadå? Får man inte drömma eller? :P

wow, river phoenix would have been 40 years old today. if he were alive, i know he would have done magnificent things, career and world wise. this video is a thank you to river for all he has done for us. his final days, im pretty sure very few reminded river what an exceptional actor and person he was. river was there to 'stand by' everyone, i mean from family, to friends, to strangers, to the world, but no one was there to 'stand by' him in the end. nevertheless we shouldn't mourn river's death any longer but celebrate his life here on earth for what he has done for us.

river phoenix, an exceptional actor and musician. 
river phoenix, a beautiful, genuine and caring person.
river phoenix, is what the world needs more of.
i know it's a little far-fetched to say 'i love' the guy, but i don't think it's
any more possible for me to fall in love with him, as a person.
may you rest in piece Rio, and thank you.  ♥
aug 23rd 1970 - oct 31 1993

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